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The Rutgers Classics graduate program offers full- and part-time courses of study leading to three advanced degrees: Master of Arts for Teachers (M.A.T.), Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy. We typically have about two dozen students at any given time in residence.

We are particularly proud of the fact that each of our PhD recipients in the past eight years has finished briskly (average 5.5 years) and each holds a continuing academic position. We also have a strong record of job placement in leading secondary schools for our master's degree recipients.

In addition, for six successive years our graduate students have been awarded an associate membership at the American School of Classics Studies at Athens. Two of our recent graduates have had their theses published "as is" by prominent American academic presses.

One of the main reasons for our students’ success is that we put a premium on maintaining a supportive environment during all stages of the graduate experience. Another reason is that we offer our advanced students unusual independence in the creation and teaching of courses in our undergraduate curriculum. Finally, all students have the ability to take a wide range of courses through the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium that links Rutgers Classics with the following institutions: Columbia, Princeton, City University of New York (CUNY), Fordham, and New York University (NYU).