MA Degree Learning Goals and Assessments
The MA program at RU Classics focuses on the interpretation of original texts in Greek and Latin in the context of the general humanistic tradition. Our graduate students are trained to master the philological methods of the discipline and become familiar with the methods of such related fields as literary theory, ancient history, philosophy, and ancient art history. The goal of the MA degrees in the Classics is to train students at an advanced level in specific fields of study in order for them to continue graduate studies or to meet professional goals.
Learning Goal 1 for Students: Attain mastery of a broad field of learning
Assessment of student achievement of Goal 1:
• Grades in graduate seminars and courses
• Two sets of MA qualifying examinations, in (a) translation into English of original Greek and Latin texts and (b) general knowledge of ancient literature and history, both assessing linguistic competency as well as depth and breadth of cultural and historical knowledge; in addition, there is the option of a capstone paper or research thesis
• Review by faculty of student progress with close advising and mentoring
• Participation of students in regional scholarly conferences and colloquia
• Continuation of graduate studies or placement in a position that requires ability in this field
Role of the program in helping students to achieve Goal 1:
• Close advising to assure that students are being prepared in a coherent and academically rigorous fashion
--includes formal meetings with GPD, twice per semester, to preview and review each semester’s course or research schedule
• Effective monitoring of student progress, with consistent and constructive feedback provided to student
--includes annual reports on research progress to the GPD from both the student and the student’s committee chair
--includes annual review of individual students’ progress by entire program faculty
• Evaluations of teaching effectiveness of instructors in graduate seminars by chair, GPD, and instructors
--If effectiveness is below expectations, work with instructors to improve effectiveness
• Periodic review of curricular offerings and assessment tools by program faculty
• GPD and relevant faculty and staff attend best practices sessions for graduate program directors
• Provide benchmarks from comparable disciplines at other institutions
Learning Goal 2 for Students: Engage in and conduct original research
Assessment of graduate student achievement of Goal 2:
• Assessment of quality of graduate seminar papers
--annual faculty review of MA student progress
--reading committee for optional MA thesis project
• Achievement of students as evidenced by continuation of graduate studies or professional placement.
Role of the Classics program in helping graduate students to achieve Goal 2:
• Provide early introduction to research methods and opportunities for research
--MA candidates participate in biannual proseminar introducing students to the field’s main research methods and methodological approaches
• Provide opportunities to present research and receive feedback
• Provide comprehensive advising and assist in the identification of mentors
Learning Goal 3 for Students: Prepare to be professionals in the discipline
Assessment of graduate student achievement of Goal 3:
• Collection of data on professional placement or continuation of graduate studies
• Periodic review by external advisory committees
• Exit and follow-up surveys of alumni/ae
• Review evidence of papers presented, publications, membership in professional organizations, and professional networking
Role of the Classics program in helping students achieve Goal 3:
• Encourage participation in professional development programs in such areas as human
subjects research, library use, course management software, interview skills, presentation
skills, development of CVs, use of research tools, training in the responsible conduct of
research, and proposal writing
--these areas are treated internally in informal seminars as well as the biannual proseminar
The faculty of the Classics MA program will regularly review the structure and content of the program and the feedback received from assessments and surveys. These reviews will be used to provide the best possible education to students, one that meets current needs for professionals in the discipline.